Electric motor

If you press a button, you apply current to the coil. This turns the coil into a magnet for a short time. The coil only becomes magnetic when a current passes through it. We call this type of magnet an electromagnet.

If you now press the three buttons alternately, the coils each in turn become magnets. There is also a magnet in the middle. The coils attract the magnet in the middle, which starts spinning. This is how you convert electricity into motion. You can also use this principle to make a motor run: an electric motor.

Elektromotor 2
Elektrische rolstoel 2

Electric motor in an electric wheelchair

Many electric vehicles, such as an electric wheelchair, use an electric motor. Household appliances that can move also often work with an electric motor. You will find one in a washing machine, hairdryer or ventilator, for example!