Laser maze

PUUR Laserdoolhof 3
Laser spiegel ENG

The ultimate tool of the scientist? The laser! This is a light source that emits a narrow, coloured beam of light.

In this maze, you can aim the lasers at the mirrors. The laser enters at a certain angle and bounces off the mirror at the same angle. When you rotate the mirrors, the light bounces from one mirror to the other. When the light hits a sensor in a yellow circle, a nice surprise awaits you.


Laser in a laser cutter

A laser cutter is a machine that can cut or engrave materials such as wood or plexiglass very precisely. It does this with a powerful laser.

Curious to what you can make with it? Drop by our Atelier.

Laser for healthy fries

When you fry a potato, it forms a substance that causes cancer: acrylamide. Most potatoes form a little acrylamide and are not dangerous. But some potatoes form a lot of acrylamide.

You cannot see the difference with the naked eye, but a laser scanner can! It illuminates the potatoes and captures the light signals. A dangerous potato gives off different light signals. It is then sold as a mash potato. Because making delicious mash with those potatoes is completely safe.
