Invisibility cloak


Chromakey with a bonus

When movie stars have green clothes, it can sometimes cause a problem when shooting with chromakey. That’s where Netflix came up with a solution: the Magenta Green Screen’.

The film stars are filmed against a background of bright green LEDs. Along the front, they are illuminated with red and blue LEDs. These give the film stars a magenta glow. That way, the software can quickly spot the difference between the film stars and the green background. And with AI, the magenta film stars regain their normal colours. Ready. Set. Action!


Chromakey in the movies

Before they had Netflix’s solution, filmmakers had to get creative. Like, for example, in the 2002Spider-Man’ film. Spider-Man has a red and blue suit. His enemy, the Green Goblin, a green suit. In scenes where they both flew through the air, Spider-Man had to act in front of a green screen and Green Goblin in front of a blue screen. Had they been in front of the same colour, one of them would have been partially transparent.