QR code

Every product in the supermarket has a unique barcode. It contains information. By scanning it, the checkout assistant quickly knows which product it is and how much it costs.

QR code is similar to such a barcode. Only it is square and consists of blocks instead of bars. You can also store info in a QR code. By scanning it, you quickly get to see that info. For example, you can get to the right web page in the blink of an eye. QR therefore stands for Quick Response’.

Each QR code has a unique pattern, but a QR code, for example, always has three large squares in the corners. That way, your smartphone quickly knows it is a QR code and what the top and bottom are. That way, it can also read it upside down without making a mistake.

QR code met logo Technopolis

QR codes in Technopolis

If you’re reading this, you actually already know. Technopolis uses QR codes at exhibits. These link you to web pages where you can find more information. In this case, a QR code to info about QR codes 😊.

Duikboot 3
QR code kat

Art of QR codes

Forward a website to your friends in a cool way? Do it with an artistic QR code. Scan this QR-code cat to go to the webpage where you can create it. Note: some of these QR codes don’t work very well (yet) though, so do test them beforehand 😉.

QR codes on audio walks

Walking in nature is even more fun with interactive tasks, stories, riddles and facts. That is why you will find many audio walks’, with signs with QR codes in various places. Walk, scan and enjoy!

Hand scant qr code op boom