Strange symbols

Vreemde tekens3

Did you know which figure followed the row? No? Cover the left half of each figure once. Do you see it now? Indeed, it’s 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 with their mirror image. From that, you can also deduce that 6 follows with its mirror image. You do that by thinking logically. You use the info you have and solve it.

Something you must also be able to do to pass your maths test, for example.

Logical thinking in puzzles

Can you solve this puzzle?


Logical thinking in wasps

One wasp is more important than another. There is a hierarchy in the nest. To move up the hierarchy, the wasps fight. But in order to do that, they need to know who to challenge. They do this by thinking logically.

Suppose you have three wasps: Wisp, Wesp and Wusp. Wisp wins a fight with Wesp. Wesp beats Wusp. Wusp then knows that it’s the weakest of the three. It won’t challenge Wisp. Wasps are smarter than you think!